Monday, January 12, 2015

Test labs- are your products tested on animals?

In the United States alone there are 65,000 dogs that are in test labs. This link is helping consumers and pet lovers be aware of those items and allowing them to make other non-pet tested choices! The more shares, the more "Doggie Dollars" you earn towards coupons for cruelty-free items! CRUELTY-CUTTER is Activism 101 Boycott companies that test and tell them how you feel about their testing policies with a simple click. Encourage others to shop cruelty-free by sharing, and perpetuate cruelty-free shopping by supporting ethical companies!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Reaching out to a broader audience...

I really have a hope, or even a goal for this blog. Sure, I started it to share "Lincolns Tail" but the reality is that there are so many people out there like my family, and possibly yours. People who get caught up in the excitement of bringing home a furry friend to add to the family. Sadly, there are many of us who learn our lessons the hard way as far as puppy mills go, or the irresponsible people who do not truly care for the pets, they care about the bottom line: profit. There are so many other ways to go about finding your new furry friend, and so many resources for pet owners. I've reached out to a few people I know who truly care about spreading the message about animal cruelty, responsible choices when owning a pet and have expressed to me that they are willing to help collaborate with me on sharing this information. If you find yourself reading Lincoln's story, or reading about a resource or even seeing an adorable animal looking for it's forever home, please share this blog with your friends. The more people who work with us to spread the word gives us a better chance to change at least a few peoples minds about where to select their new furry friend. If you are interested in contributing to the blog, please contact me at Thank you again for all of your support and well wishes. As of today Lincolns update has not changed over the last couple of days. Tomorrow he will be nebulized three more times and his lungs will be xrayed again. If there is no progress we will discuss his return to the hospital with care around the clock. Our fingers are crossed and our prayers are constantly being said that this will not be the case. Lincoln is happiest at home, and that is where we prefer for him to be. xo- Lincoln & Co

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Well hell...

We knew Lincoln wasn't out of the woods but we were feeling optimistic. Until last night. His breathing was a bit labored and by this morning it was worse. After work we took him to the veterinarian Petland approved payment for as part of Lincoln's follow up care. While we are thankful for that, it isn't the same as the relationship I've had for many years with our veterinarian of choice Dr. Kristin Caudy at Village Gate Animal Hospital. Another X-Ray was done on Lincoln's lungs, and we were told that his lungs are actually worse, not better. Pretty upsetting news. In addition to the two medications Lincoln is on we were given a third, called Chloramphenicol. Apparently this drug can not be taken by humans as it can cause death but it works on dogs. In addition to the pills we were given given gloves for when we handle the pills. Apparently even coming into contact with them can be fatal to a person. At my request Lincoln was nebulized while we were there and I was told I can bring him daily for that treatment. If we don't see progress by Friday our guy will be hospitalized again. Fingers crossed for progress. Again, thank you to everyone who has checked up on our little guy. Thank you also to those of you who have read Lincoln's story and passed it on. While I started this blog to share Lincoln's story I want it to be so much more. I want to share information with other animal lovers. I want to share rescue information, events, health tips and the obligatory cute pet photos. I'm working with a few people to put this part of Lincoln's story together and will have it together by the end of this week. Hopefully you will continue to read Lincoln's story and maybe even get something useful from it. For now, all "pawsitive" thoughts are much appreciated. -Lincoln & Co

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas joy...

Fantastic news today: While Lincoln is not out of the woods he was allowed to come home for Christmas. When I got the call this morning I was very cautious, and felt afraid to get my hopes up. After work we headed to the animal hospital to see Lincoln. I realized I didn't take any baby food or yogurt with me. Maybe that was my own subconscious telling me that yes, Lincoln was going to come home for Christmas. When we got there we were called into the examining room and told Lincoln was being prepared for discharge. I'm still pinching myself. We were given very strict instructions, a medication schedule and follow up schedule. We were also told that he's not out of the woods. His lungs are pretty crummy and we have doctors orders to let him be lazy and recouperate. Not a problem. I get lazy. I've got to say sitting in the car with Lincoln on my lap was a pretty terrific feeling. He's in his newest sweater, enjoying the mist from his brand new humidifier and resting comfortably on the new sheets I put on the bed. I have a very, very happy and relieved little girl tucked away in bed too. My house feels complete again. Santa, wherever you are in your sleigh tonight I hope you have safe travels. We have cookies out for you, but fair warning. Next year we're expecting the cookies to be a little higher so Lincoln can't get to them. We can't thank the amazing staff at Rascal enough, or Dr. Kristin Caudy from Village Gate enough. Thank you. Thank you to everyone who reached out to us, prayed, hoped, crossed their fingers are read Lincolns story. His story is just beginning, and as a family we have made it our vow to take this eye opening experience and do our share to help protect animals and raise awareness. Lastly, on this most merry of Christmas Eve Lincoln thanks you. Merry Christmas from Lincoln Land.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Kisses and lampshades...

i got a call this morning that today Lincoln was coming out of his oxygen cage. Admittedly I was pretty nervous but trust that the doctors at Rascal care about Lincolns progress as much as I do. I was very anxious as today seemed to be a possible turning point. Additionally, today was the day my daughter came home from Florida and she was unaware that her puppy was sick. After work we headed off, armed with yogurt and baby food. On the way I called Lincolns breeder to thank her for her insight and compassion yesterday. She was very happy to hear Lincoln ate the Vanilla yogurt like a champ after she suggested it. When we got to see Lincoln he was brought to us wearing a cone around his head, or his lampshade as I call it. He's been chewing at his IV line, therefore earning the cone. Cone or no cone that boys tail was wagging! I couldn't feed him fast enough tonight. He ate almost three containers of yogurt and some baby food. It was such a delight to see him get so excited for that yummy meal. He had lots smeared inside the cone. I told him it's his flavor saver. Let me tell you, after Lincoln finished eating I put my head right there into his lampshade and took every kiss he had for me. I may have even had a little flavor saver yogurt myself by accident. There's no shame in sticking your head in your dogs cone to lap up the love. And if there is I'm not feeling it. After a bit Lincoln was tired so we turned him back over. We discussed his X-rays and were told his lungs are still pretty bad. Not really looking better, but not looking worse. He's sleeping in the oxygen cage tonight just to be on the safe side. Tomorrow is another day of visiting, only this will be the first time my daughter sees him at the hospital. I've tried to prepare her as best I can. Maybe we'll take our own lampshades to keep the tone light. We miss you Lincoln, so so much. I loved each and every one of your sloppy kisses and can't wait to cuddle together again. Our family misses you terribly. There's reasonably clean sheets on the bed for when you come home. We all know where your dad will be sleeping. The sofa, while you and I cuddle in bed. Sounds cozy doesn't it Lincoln? As of late tonight were being told Lincoln may come home in a few days but with a regimented list for his care and follow up. As long as it involves lampshades and kisses I'm ready. Sweet dreams Lincoln baby. Mommy loves you. Xo

Monday, December 22, 2014

Tail wagging and baby steps...

Today, Lincolns third day in the hospital was a long day. I took him lunch (baby food, chicken) and for the first time I was told Lincoln couldn't leave his cage where he is being given oxygen. The staff at Rascal very graciously let me into the back where Lincoln is and told I could try to feed him in there as he hadn't eaten voluntarily since our visit last night. I wasn't prepared for seeing poor Linclon in the cage with his IV and oxygen. I honestly didn't know what an oxygen cage would look like. Not what I pictured. Our poor sweet Lincoln. He didn't get up or wag his tail, but what he did do was eat and he ate about 4 ounces for me. It's been years since I measured anyone's food intake by the ounce and bragged about it, but he ate it like a very good boy. The staff was thrilled to see him eat voluntarily. I kept the visit short and promised him dinner. When I got home I was surprised to see Lincolns American Canine Association paper in my mailbox. I was beyond relieved to see the name of Lincolns breeder on the paper. Interestingly enough this is the same breeder Petland professed to not having the name of when asked where Lincoln came from. It took me under a minute on Google to get the number of Lincolns breeder. I admit to being pleasantly surprised that the breeder spent almost an hour with me on the phone. She was very upset to hear my story. Was I expecting to be brushed off by yet another person involved in the process? Yes. Did I expect accountability on her end? No. Compassion for my family or Lincoln? No. Was my conversation with her the exact opposite of what I expected? Absolutely. She gave me some insightful ideas and questions for Lincolns care. All of her questions were answered for me tonight at the pet hospital. She made sure I had all of her contact information and asked me to let her know how Lincoln is as well as offered to reach out to people on our behalf. She also suggested I try Vanilla yogurt with Lincolns dinner. Off I went tonight armed with baby food in the forms of chicken, green beans and carrots. I also had a six pack of Vanilla Activa Yogurt for Lincoln and a black cherry yogurt for myself thinking Lincoln and I would have dinner together. (I asked Licoln to not tell his father what a good cook I am.) I was fully prepared to see him in his cage tonight. Instead Lincoln was brought to us, complete with kisses and a wagging tail. And you know what that sweet good boy did? He ate like a champ. 1 and 1/2 containers of yogurt. I could kiss the breeder for suggesting it. He ate a few teaspoons of baby food, no interest in his water yet. Baby steps are ok Lincoln. He was tired pretty quickly from being out of the oxygen cage but I'll take those few minutes with him. He's not doing well breathing on his own, and it's really quite heartbreaking to see but we're all praying for him. We're so thankful for all of the well wishes from everyone. Thank you to everyone who has read Lincolns story and thank you to those of you who love us, and Lincoln. I left the animal hospital covered in yogurt and baby food but like a new mom I walked with my head high, proud of my baby for eating like such a big boy. Leaving to come home without him is hard but I'll be back tomorrow. We love you Lincoln. xo

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Dear Pope Francis,

I'm not sure if I've ever had a favorite Pope before, and I'm sorry for not reaching out before this but I'm a fan of yours. I like your non traditional ways, and appreciate the fact that you use social media among other things. I'm not the most traditional girl myself, nor am I the most religious girl or observant girl but hey, I like you and maybe you'd like me too. Anyway, I'll get to the point. I'm guessing I'm not too different from a lot of people you come across. Asking for a favor when I may not have done too much earn one. And I'm sorry for that. Truly, I am. But what I'm asking for is pretty important to me, and to my family. I know you have said that dogs can go to Heaven and I think that's pretty awesome. But what I'm asking for tonight is that you save our puppy Lincolns spot for later please. Not now. Please. I know that you're there, wherever you are tonight and that I'm here in my house in Ohio but I'm really, really hoping that you get my message and that you can help. Please. Thank you, and Amen. Love, Katie